Purchase Church Buildings in Egypt
In Egypt, public evangelism is illegal, but Christians can freely worship and teach within church buildings. Despite difficult conditions, our 65 Faith Churches in Egypt are zealous to evangelize, and they have found creative ways to serve and witness in their communities. Some churches offer kindergarten classes, literacy programs, addiction recovery programs, or medical care.
Due to new regulations, churches are required to own their buildings instead of renting. The Faith Churches plant a new congregation by evangelizing and starting a Bible study group in a new area, but they must quickly secure a building in order to establish a church that can function legally. Presently, 11 congregations are illegally meeting in rented buildings. They need to buy their buildings in order to continue to worship freely.
Each congregation is saving toward this goal, though circumstances vary. Because we believe in the strength and value of locally developed churches, we want to encourage local responsibility while responding to their urgent need.
We want to offer the churches a fund of $300,000 for helping committed congregations who have raised a large percentage of the purchase price of their building.